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Baby Dedication

Raising Up the Next Generation!

What is a baby dedication?

This is a special service of thanksgiving and prayer for a child.

At SouthPort Church, The baby dedication ceremony provide an opportunity to thank God for the gift of a child into the church family. the baby dedication ceremonies are integrated into normal Sunday worship.

The baby dedication ceremony consist of four parts:

1.     Thanking God for the gift of your child

We believe that all life is a gift from God. In thanking God for the gift of the child we recognize God is the Creator, and sustains all life. We also accept that the child is not our property but that they belong to

God. We thank God that He has blessed our lives with the gift of a child.


2.     Promising to be good parents

We acknowledge that parenting is a important and difficult task. In a Dedication Service parents dedicate themselves to be responsible parents, promising to love and care for the child also to bring the child up in

a Christian way. 

3.     Seeking support of others

There is also an oppurtunity within the service for family, close friends and the church family to comitt to loving and caring for the child. The child is presented and received by the congregation who comit to pray

for the child and their parent(s), and teach the principles set out in scriptures.

4.   Asking God to bless the child’s life

Christians have always believed in the power of prayer. During the dedication service there will be a time of prayer, asking for God's blessing on the child and praying for God to be part of the child's life.

The dedication ceremony

The dedication ceremony is about 10 to 15 minutes in length and is a part of the Sunday morning service. During the dedication ceremony the parent(s) will be invited to come  and stand at the front with their child(ren). The pastor will remind the parent(s) and congregation of important biblical instructions regarding love and care of the child(ren).

The dedication ceremony will begin by the Pastor asking the parent(s) of their intent to dedicate themselves and the child(ren) to the Lord. 

The parent(s) will be asked if their intention is to bring up the child(ren) with God’s help and in partnership with the church and to a knowledge of Jesus as their saviour. They will be asked if their intention is to provide a Christian home of love and peace, and to encourage their child(ren) to discover Jesus for themselves. The parent(s) will answer yes or I/we do

The church will be reminded that modelling the love of God cannot be done alone, and requires the help and support of the church. Parents have the first responsibility, but parents need the help of close friends, family and the church. As believers, the church will be reminded of their responsibility to teach the Gospel to the younger generation. The Pastor will ask the congregation to stand as a commitment to help the parents in the task of raising the next generation of God’s Church.

The Pastor will then pray for the child(ren) and parents inviting others in the church to pray for the family as well. 

Baby dedication online submission.

Baby dedication paper submission

If you would like to submit a paper copy of the baby dedication request form click below to download the form. Once completed you can drop off the completed form to the church office.


Mail to PO Box 654, Saugeen Shores, ON, N0H 2L0